Our Services

Revenue Cycle Management:
Clinical Documentation Improvement is services that is provided in combination with our Revenue Cycle Management services. This is designed to protect your organization from payor relations conflicts and to ensure that the clinical care team is accurately documenting care in accordance with payor standards and appropriate medical necessity. Our RCM Services include Claims Submission, Claims Collection (including appeals), Verification of Benefits, Initiation of Admission Authorization, Utilization Review, Individualized staff training for clinical/medical documentation, and Group staff trainings for clinical/medical documentation. Facilities may choose to opt out of select services based on their operational procedures and designed work flow.
Continuous Compliance Monitoring (CCM)- Monthly Service Plan:
Following the execution and completion of correction plan, continuous compliance monitoring is conducted on a bi-weekly basis to ensure compliance by providing departmental Compliance Percentage Reports. The goal of this service is to ensure that your organization remains Analyst Review Ready at all times. Content includes; Assessments, Consents, Vitals, Medication Observation, Medication Orders, Detox & Residential Checks (Observational Rounds), Clinical Notes, Discharge Summaries, etc. This service includes all Licensing and Certification Services and maintenance. Its purpose is to ensure that you are Site Review Ready at all times.

Continuous Compliance Monitoring & Site Review Support (SRS):
This Services provides the same level of compliance monitoring but provides the organization with an analyst site review specialist to be present at any onsite, virtual, or correspondence
interactions with the purpose of mitigating any errors or findings which could cost the organization in the review process. This service includes all Licensing and Certification Services and maintenance. Its purpose is to ensure that you are Site Review Ready at all times. ***This service includes Vital Solutions Staff are present at the time of any site review from any governing body.***
Licensing / Certification:
Vital Solutions Licensing and Certification services can be tailored to the specific needs of the organization at any given time. This includes but is not limited licensing and certification with; DHCS, The Joint Commission, CARF, Fire/Water/Building/City Department(s), etc. This may include initial Licensing / Certification, Renewal, LOC Designation, Supplemental Licensing, Sentinel Events, Administrative/Ownership Changes, Capacity Changes, etc.

Compliance Risk & Liabilities Assessment (RLA) Single Service- Single Service Charge:
This service includes an initial top to bottom assessment of the organization’s current compliance risks and liabilities. After completion of Risk & Liabilities Assessment, findings are reviewed and a correction plan is created. This plan will include communication, meetings, and trainings will take place with department heads to execute the plan.
Customized Staff Training and Development Services:
We understand that especially in today’s market developing a strong workforce is more necessary than ever but also harder than it ever had been since 2020. Staff turnover and changes is staff attitudes has made it harder to effectively train new staff members to effectively treat your patients and support your organization. Because of this we believe in creating Customized Training Manuals for new and existing employees. These Customized Training Manuals are developed by department to ensure that each staff member is trained to your Policy and Procedure Manual and specific Organizational Standards. To ensure the effectiveness of the training manuals; individualized one on one training is provided to your staff, and Quantifiable Department Competency Evaluations are created to certify that the employee is properly trained and safe to complete their job duties. This leads to staff satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and improved employer results.

Specialized Leadership / Management Training & Development Services:
We know that one of the greatest stressors of Owners and Executive level Leaders is having effective Managers and Supervisors below them to support the overall goals of the organization, protect financial resources, mitigate liability, and make decisions that would align
with those of Owners and Executive level Leadership. We offer this service to assist you in the growth of your managers and supervisors. We focus on teaching them to meet the needs of
ground level employees while reaching the compentecy levels necessary to make sounds on the spot decisions that benefit patients, staff, leadership, and the organization as a whole.
Recruiting Services:
Recruiting is an ongoing need for all companies and organizations that becomes exhausting and sometimes a fruitless effort. To alleviate the efforts organizations often shit recruitment responsibilities between HR, Department Managers, Directors, and others. But the other responsibilities of those individuals can slow the process, miss opportunities, or even drive candidates away. Also these practices can lead to hiring of unfit candidates due to Hiring Managers lacking the knowledge of being able to identify red-flags, being able to ask the right questions, or lack the knowledge to “seal the deal” of a high quality employee. We think like business owners and have experience hiring and terminating hundreds of employees in all ranges of employment fields. We possess the skills to screen, assess, interview, hire, and complete in onboarding process without losing candidates for unnecessary reasons.

Evidenced Based Practices Content and Development:
Clinical content is the cornerstone of any treatment providers services. Staff turnover, patient crisis, staff meetings, and “business” is always the culprit for preventing staff from taking the time to create Top Tier Clinical Content for groups and individual sessions. Having good content isn’t enough to provide desired outcomes though unfortunately. Staff also require training on how to effectively deliver the services and how to properly document their services in order to create meaningful outcomes.
Utilization Review:
Vital Solutions has some of the best Utilization Review experts within our organization. We are passionate about the persons recovery process and have an understanding of medical necessity criteria that makes us effective advocates of your patient’s episode of care. We know
that healing takes time, and we effectively produce results for patients and the organizations that are treating them.

Insurance Chart Audit / Quality of Care Inquiries:
This service is designed to limit risk potential and avoid contract disruption and / or prepayment review. This service is rendered through careful review of chart content and correction strategies as well as formulate responses to official inquiries from insurance providers regarding complaints.
Prepayment Review Reversal:
This service is similar to our Continuous Compliance Monitoring services, but is strategically formulated to correct the issues abruptly and shorten the cycle of Prepayment Review.

Electronic Health Record Administration & Services:
Regardless of the EHR that your organization uses, we know that it is the lifeblood of your organization. It preserves your records and controls your organization workflow. Often times Organizations know very little about the capabilities or limitations of the software itself. We have implemented new systems, integrated multiple systems (API integrations), retooled, closed out, migrated, and overhauled multiple EHR systems to improve Operations and Workflow. This continued service can increase productivity, decrease risk, and be a tool for compliance success.
Billing Efficacy Assessment and Planning:
This service is a complete review and assessment of current billing status. We identify areas of loss, growth, and needs to increase cash flow and revenue. This service is designed to be bundled with Utilization Review and Content Support, Insurance Audit & Quality of Care Inquiries, and Prepayment Review Reversal and uses Continuous Compliance.

Policy and Procedure Development/Revision:
This service provides your organization with a custom Policy and Procedure Manual that suits the needs of your organization while staying in compliance with all governing agency regulations. Whether your organization is new or established, this service is vital to operation and is the cause of most findings during the survey process. Often times they do not reflect the actual operations of the organization or they are not updated with the changes of the organization or governing bodies.
Let's Connect and Transform Your Organization Together
Have questions about our services? Interested in how we can tailor our solutions to fit your organization’s unique needs? We’re here to help. At Vital Solutions, we understand that every healthcare organization has its own set of challenges and goals. That’s why we encourage you to reach out to us. Our team of experts is ready to listen, understand your requirements, and guide you towards the best solutions for your organization. Whether it’s compliance assessments, policy manual creation, or licensing and certification services, we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Don’t let compliance complexities hold you back. Contact us today, and let’s start a conversation that could redefine the success and sustainability of your healthcare organization.
We’re just a message or call away. Let’s make a difference together.